Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Cei mai buni vorbitori fac cele mai bune plăcinte cu mere. Atitudini lingvistice în Pola de Siero (Spania)

Publicația: Philologica Jassyensia, XIV (2), Secțiunea Interculturalia, p. 151-158
Editura:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Rezumat:[The best speakers bake the best apple pies. Linguistic attitudes in Pola de Siero (Spain)]
This paper presents the linguistic attitudes in the contact language situation between Asturian and Spanish in Pola de Siero. For this study we used 24 speakers, which we selected taking into account three social variables (sex, educational level and age). The results show that there is a connection, first of all, between the actitudes and speakers’ local identitity or urban identity feeling. If a speaker is proud of his / her Asturian origin, he / she will have a more positive attitude for Asturian language; if she / he „is heading” for a better life economically speaking, he / she will feel more atraction for Spanish language, the language of prestige. Secondly, there is a connection between actitudes and the „new” standard Asturian; our subjects feel that the „new” standard is artificial.
Cuvinte-cheie:Pola de Siero; linguistic attitudes; standard Asturian; local/urban identity; discursive traditions
Limba: română

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