Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Paraverbal and nonverbal comunication within nowadays Romanian TV speech in fashion shows

Publicația: The Proceedings of the International Conference “Communication, Context, Interdisciplinarity”. Section: Language and Discourse, 5, p. 273-279
Editura:“Petru Maior” University Press
Rezumat:The mediatic discourse promoted via mass media is characterized by lack of message consistency, illogical arguments or even non-argumentative phrases, and a prominent simplicity of language as well. The language employed by most of the current TV shows belongs to a style, which often deviates from the standard one, and which is marked by specific elements of orality, with various argotic insertions, even though, certain playful or ironic speech techniques might justify the speaker’s linguistic choice. However, the verbal message is accompanied and often “saved” by nonverbal elements (gestures, sight, mimics) or paraverbal (smile / laughter, intonation, voice intensity, verbal flow), which can fill a possible communication gap or change the meaning of the message according to the speaker’s intentions. Therefore, both verbal and non-verbal elements complete equally the realization of conversational [...]
Cuvinte-cheie:discourse, message, argumentation, conversation, communication
Limba: română

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Referințe în această publicație: 1

45Maria Cvasnîi CătănescuRetorică publicistică
De la paratext la text
Editura Universității din București2006

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