Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Incipitul rețetelor culinare online

Publicația: Studii și cercetări lingvistice, LXIX (1), p. 39-60
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:[The Incipit of the Romanian online cooking recipes]
The article deals with the incipit of Romanian online cooking recipes, a new type of argumentative text, which shares features with other types of texts (mainly with the advertising text, the autobiographical text and the literary text). The author proposes a detailed analysis of the incipit of online cooking recipes, from a pragmatic rhetorical perspective, as well as from a lexical-semantic perspective. From a textual point of view, the incipits are descriptive and, some of them, narrative. The incipit is above all an argumentative text, where a variety of arguments are used. At the lexical level, there is an excess of superlative words and phrases.

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