Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Analyzing Political Discourse as a Macro Speech Act

Publicația: Revue roumaine de linguistique, LXIII (1-2), Secțiunea The Dynamics of Speech Acts in Discourse, p. 133-146
Speech Acts across Time and Space / Actes de language à travers le temps et l’espace
Edited by Andra Vasilescu and Cameron Taylor
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:By analysing several partisan political speeches delivered by Romanian Members of the Parliament (MPs) in a session dedicated to the debate and vote of investiture for a new government (28.12.2004), the paper aims at demonstrating their role as macro speech acts. The corpus covers complex discursive functions (agenda setting, debates, decision making, or proclaiming), suitable for both a quantitative analysis (the frequency of speech acts, according to Searle’s (1969) typology, for each category of speakers) and a qualitative one (how the macro speech act is built by means of political speeches). The distribution of the speech acts is correlated with the communicative strategies assigned to each role (the chair, the designated Prime Minister, the MPs from the government coalition, the MPs from the opposition, others). The discussion focuses on ways in which politicians do complex identity work (building and maintaining personal, group, and institutional identity), manage face-work, and construct power relations.
Cuvinte-cheie:political discourse, macro speech act, Romanian Parliament, communicative roles, identity work
Limba: engleză

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