Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Symbolic meanings of phraseological units with the component sheep in the European languages

Publicația: Fonetică și dialectologie, XXXVI, p. 47-53
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:The symbolic meanings of close semantic phrasal units built on expressions with the component sheep with its attributes: black/ marked/ lost/ stray/ slaughtered/ mangy/ scabby, etc. – all reflecting a common negative feature – the separation of a sheep from the herd and its isolation. These are mostly monolingual, bilingual and phraseological dictionaries in the relevant languages, as well as several special studies on set phrases, stable comparisons, sayings, proverbs and epigrams, containing a collocation of sheep with the above mentioned attributes. They all become close variants of a generic sememe ‘a sheep which for one reason or another is distinguished from the herd’. After a semantic transfer, the sememe is already associated with the concepts man and society, and generally means ‘a person who is repudiated by society’. This new symbolic meaning unites the above mentioned phrasal units and creates conditions for their synonymous use in all European languages.
Limba: engleză

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