Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Le tabou linguistique. Considérations générales

Publicația: Studii și cercetări lingvistice, LXVII (2), p. 169-177
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:[Linguistic taboo. General considerations]
In this article we tried to identify some possible causes of the occurrence of the linguistic taboo and to reveal some of the specific features of its operation mode in social and language fields. The examples we chose in our research belong to Romanian language (both present-day language and the language used in the Communist era), as well as to the “international” language vocabulary. After having consulted several lexicographical references and scientific studies we presented our own arguments for distinguishing between linguistic taboo, on the one hand, and euphemism, on the other hand. We also presented our pragmatic concept concerning the linguistic taboo, considered to be a prohibition speech act, associated to a banished linguistic sequence (the prohibited phrase) and we discussed the real meaning of the success of this type of acts. We compiled a classification of the examples studied, taking into consideration both the causality that led to their creation and their purpose. Considering all the issues involved by this linguistic phenomenon, we concluded that the linguistic taboo requires, in the future, detailed, several dedicated studies and analyses at semiotic, pragmatic and lexical, and stylistic levels.

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