Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Formes d’intertextualité dans l’humour politique ayant comme cible le communisme

Publicația: Revue roumaine de linguistique, LIX (3), p. 295-306
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:The use of different interdiscursive strategies (term that covers a wide variety of phenomena, ranging from quotation and allusion, to echoing and reporting mechanisms) highlights the polyphonic dimension of the discourse, representing the main source of the political humour. The concepts of social discourse and interdiscourse will be used in order to account for the cognitive and affective complicity between the addresser and the addressee in the case of the Communist political humour typical of the East-European countries prior to 1989. The label interdiscourse (the case of the multiple-voicing process) is envisaged in the present study as a cover term to indicate the overlap of different discursive voices, within a multilayered message conveyed by the speaker(s) in the ongoing talk.
Our aim is to present the type of macro organisation of the texts ─ the hypertextuality, as well as the micro organisation (the particular manifestation of the interdiscursive strategies: quoting the official propaganda, modifying the slogans, reinterpreting the political ideology, re-creating the wooden language in a playful or parodic way, etc.
Cuvinte-cheie:humour, interdiscourse, doxa, intertextuality, quotation
Limba: franceză

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