Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Romanian Linguistic Atlases in Digital Format – A New Approach

Publicația: Philologica Jassyensia, XIII (1), Secțiunea Philologia Perennis, p. 13
Editura:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Rezumat:This paper focuses on the new designed data model of AlrMaps and new possibilities of linguistic maps generation and editing. The first version of the Linguistic Atlases Publishing System (LAPS) was developed to enable the publishing of the New Romanian Linguistic Atlas by Regions. Moldova and Bukovina (NALR-MB). The third and the fourth volumes were prepared using LAPS. Over time, the interest of dialectologists for computer-aided preparation of the linguistic atlases has increased and new requests have been received to adapt the system for the Audio-Visual Linguistic Atlas of Bukovina (ALAB) and the Aromanian Linguistic Atlas (ALAR) publishing.
Considering the previously accumulated experience, a new version of LAPS entitled AlrMaps was developed in order to eliminate the shortcomings identified, to make the system independent of the map and region for which it will be used and last but not least to create a more friendly interface using the new tools available as a result of software and hardware progress. One of the main innovations of the new LAPS is the integration of GIS functions into the archiving and processing of linguistic data. In the future this aspect of the new application will facilitate the development of national geolinguistic projects for the Romanian dialectologists, by also using multimedia technologies in the configuration of complex, multidimensional linguistic databases.
Cuvinte-cheie:geolinguistics, linguistic databases, Linguistic Atlases Publishing System (LAPS), Geographic Information System (GIS)
Limba: engleză

Citări la această publicație: 2

Referințe în această publicație: 2

1Luminița Botoșineanu, Elena Muscă, Florin-Teodor Olariu, Ioan PăvăloiAspects relatifs à la transcription phonétique interactive du signal audioLCCRS, 35-502016pdf
2Dorin UrițescuGraiul din Ţara Oaşului în perspectivă informaticăCoteanu, 369-3802014pdf

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