Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Determinare şi cadru: după 60 de ani

Publicația: Limba Română (Chișinău), XXVII (1), Secțiunea Coșeriana, p. 68-90
Editura:Revista „Limba Română”
Rezumat:One of the most important contributions of Coseriu’s extremely productive Uruguayan period in the 1950s is Determinación y entorno. Dos problemas de una lingüística del hablar (‘Determination and Surrounding Fields. Two problems of linguistics of speaking’). The paper was originally published in Spanish, in the German journal Romanistisches Jahrbuch in 1955-56. Here, Coseriu introduces some of his basic linguistic concepts, like the distinction between the universal, the historical and the individual linguistic level, and he inverts the doctrine attributed to de Saussure that all relevant linguistic problems should be considered departing from the level of langue, claiming the opposite: according to Coseriu, speaking (‘el hablar’), the speaker’s activity, is the key to all linguistic issues. The first part of Coseriu’s paper offers a theory of nominal determination and the second part a sketch of what later would be called pragmatics: a theory of how a sophisticated relationship between linguistic signs and “surrounding fields” interacts in communication in order to create “sense” (sentido), the individual and concrete meaning of a (written or spoken) text.
This paper reminds the main aspects of Coseriu’s contribution in the light of some comments made by Coseriu in an interview in the 1990s and it discusses the reception (and the lack of reception) of Coseriu’s text which was in fact part of a much larger, yet unpublished project on the linguistic theory of proper names (Teoría lingüística del nombre propio).
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 2

5Adriana-Maria RobuDiscursul publicitar din perspectivă pragmalingvisticăEditura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”2015html
104Eugeniu CoșeriuOmul şi limbajul său
Studii de filozofie a limbajului, teorie a limbii şi lingvistică generală
Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”2009html

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