Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Aide à la rédaction: le système TAEMA. De l’intérêt d’exploiter des ressources lexicales en linguistique informatique

Publicația: Studii de lingvistică, 3, Secțiunea Varia, p. 187-204
Identité, ressemblance, analogie: regards croisés
Editura:Facultatea de Litere din Oradea
Rezumat:We discuss here the need to implement resources which are exhaustive and enriched by strong metalinguistic descriptions to develop systems which deal with textual information. Firstly, we present the data model used to create these resources; secondly, we specify the nature of these resources; and finally we show how they allow the TAEMA system to work. The purpose of this system is to help learners of French as a second language to diversify their expression with regard to the vocabulary of affects.
Cuvinte-cheie:system of assistance with writing, linguistic resources, predicates, affects
Limba: franceză

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