Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Un nou proiect: Convergenţe lingvistice balcano-romanice în dialectele româneşti sud-dunărene. Perspectivă geolingvistică

Publicația: Fonetică și dialectologie, XXXV, p. 217
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:[Balkan-Romance convergences in South-Danubian Romanian dialects]
Our project proposes to emphasise the linguistic similarities of South-Danubian Romanian dialects (Aromanian, Meglenoromanian, Istroromanian) spoken in Albania, Croatia, R. Macedonia, Greece and Romania from the perspective of Romance and Balkan elements. Our research is based in current literature and on questionnaires and surveys carried out in the above mentioned countries. We will use the questionnaire in Noul Atlas lingvistic român pe regiuni [The New Romanian Linguistic Atlas per Regions], in order to have a comparison with Dacoromanian. We will take into consideration lexical, morphological and syntactic aspects, from the point of view of linguistic contact with Balkan languages, as well as Romanic elements that define these historical dialects of common Romanian. The outcome of our research will result in a paper that will describe these aspects, being supported by linguistic maps and phonetically transcribed dialectal texts. The survey network will include eight places: two places in Albania (Fier and Moscopole), two places in R. Macedonia (Ohrida and Târnova), four places in Greece (Selia de Sus, Megali Livadia and Siracu – for Aromanian, and Liumniţa – for Meglenoromanian). The mentioned places are representative for our research. For the Aromanian dialect spoken in Dobrudja (Romania), we will use the material published by Nicolae Saramandu, Aromâna vorbită în Dobrogea. Texte dialectale. Glosar. For the Istroromanian dialect, we will make use of the material published in special linguistic atlases: Radu Flora, Atlasul lingvistic al dialectului istroromân, and Goran Filipi, Atlas lingvistic istroromân. In dialectal texts, we will emphasise the Romance and Balkan elements from the perspective of linguistic geography.
For this purpose, we will use modern investigation methods and techniques: audio-video equipment, automatic text processing, IT software to automatically generate linguistic maps. Our project also aims at developing electronic material in order to promote the preservation of the Romanian linguistic identity of the South-Danubian Romanians living in the Balkans and in Romania.
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 1

Referințe în această publicație: 1

5Eqrem ÇabejZur Aromunischen WortforschungSCL, XXVII (1), 31976

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