Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Problematica Simbolismului coreean. O paralelă cu Simbolismul românesc

Publicația: Analele Universității din București. Limba și literatura română, LIX
Editura:Editura Universității din Bucureşti
Rezumat:The aim of this study is to show how Romanian and Korean Symbolism deploy in their respective literature and how some poets adapt their poetics to the experience of writing poetry based upon symbolical aesthetics and themes. The first part of this study contains a short introduction into Korean literature, a presentation of Korean Symbolism and of its literary reviews. The second part presents a short parallel between Korean and Romanian Symbolism, emphasizing the points of similarity and difference between these two literatures. Similarities are due to the influence of the French Symbolism on both literatures. Although Korean symbolism appeared relatively lately, it had a decisive role in the process of the renewal of the Korean literature. While unfolded in a brief period, Symbolism had a strongest impact on Korean modern poems and opened new horizons renewing and restructuring the Korean poetry; new themes and motives appeared, such as the problem of ego, the solitude, the image of city, the nature, death, the problem of love and the escapism etc. The art of symbolical poetry, the themes and the aesthetics of Symbolism influenced the evolution, the expansion of some poetic categories in Korean literature. We can find similar examples in Romanian symbolist poetry, where new themes and directions appeared as a result of the influence of symbolist poetry.
Cuvinte-cheie:Symbolism, Korean modernism, Romanian symbolism, national identiy, literary influences
Limba: română

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