Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

L’homme rhétorique

Publicația: Analele Universității din București. Limba și literatura română, LX
Editura:Editura Universității din Bucureşti
Rezumat:This article dwells upon the rediscovery of the practical dimension of rhetoric. Rhetoric corresponds to an inborn human capacity which has been formalized in the rhetorical techniques as they emerged in Ancient Greece. This observation implies an epistemological approach of the ancient discipline in its ability to fill the world with meaning. Our thesis is that the practice of this capacity develops man’s ability to interact with the institutions, but also a certain freedom of conscience. This specific freedom can only be complete if the rhetoric is not reduced to a purely theoretical field of study, as it is the case with philosophy.
Cuvinte-cheie:rhetoric, epistemology, anthropology, practical reason, construction of meaning
Limba: franceză

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