Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Homebound or homeless minds. Return migration in the 21st c. Romanian literature

Publicația: Analele Universității din București. Limba și literatura română, LXI, p. 61-70
Editura:Editura Universității din Bucureşti
Rezumat:Migrant writers have long been associated, in the history of the 20th C. Central-East European literatures, with the tropes of exile and Diaspora. After the political overturn of 1989, the intellectuals willing to leave behind their “developing” native countries had to face a different set of hardships and challenges, mostly related to work, social integration and resettlement. Return migration has become frequent not only among scholars, but among people of all walks of life. The mirage of the “developed world” faded away, disenchantment took its place. Drawing on their own failed experiences with migration, Radu Pavel Gheo (2003) and Adrian Schiop (2009) imagine different types of “misfits” who, for some reasons, decide to come back home. But the narrators propounded by the two writings have different senses of belonging. Using and playing on a phrase coined by Peter L. Berger, one of them is a homebound, while the other is a homeless mind.
Cuvinte-cheie:return migration, home, homeless mind, Radu Pavel Gheo, Adrian Schiop
Limba: engleză

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