Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Stratégies de production orale : étude d’un corpus de productions orales en interaction d’apprenants de français langue étrangère de niveau B2

Publicația: Synergies Roumanie, 8, p. 123-126
Locul:Sylvains-les-Moulins, France
Rezumat:Our article can be situated at the crossroads of the following two domains: the study of spoken French and the study of French language teaching. Our purpose is to study the way in which French learners (students at our Faculty of Letters majoring in French) cope with difficulties of formulation in oral productions. After identifying the markers of formulation and reformulation in the oral corpus, we propose to analyse the procedures that the speakers use in order to surpass the formulation problems that they encounter in the oral expression. Finally, on the basis of the results of our analysis, we want to make hypotheses concerning the formulation and reformulation strategies that are most important for learners to develop in order to cope better with the challenges of the free conversation they lead with other learners of the same level or with native speakers.
  • formulation, reformulation, stratégies de production orale, compétence orale
  • formulation, reformulations, strategies of oral production, oral competence
Limba: franceză

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