Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Interdisciplinaritate în cercetarea filologică. Proiectul „Monumenta Linguae Dacoromanorum”

Publicația: The Proceedings of the International Conference “Communication, Context, Interdisciplinarity”. Section: Language and Discourse, 2, p. 1021-1031
Editura:“Petru Maior” University Press
Rezumat:[Interdisciplinarity in Philologic Research (The “Monumenta Linguae Dacoramonorum” Project)]
Two academic centers, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi and Albert Ludwigs Universität of Freiburg, are developing since 1988 a philological and interdisciplinary project (involving specialists in philology, theology, philosophy, history and computer science) entitled „Monumenta linguae Dacoromanorum 1688 Bible” (MLD), with the aim of publishing a critical edition of the first Romanian printed Sacred Scripture, the Bucharest Bible (1688), and the two contemporary Romanian manuscripts of the Old Testament (Ms. 45 from the Romanian Academy Library, the Cluj branch, and Ms. 4389 from the Romanian Academy Library, Bucharest). The aim of this paper is to present some of the MLD project’s scientific components that define its complexity in the field of the interdisciplinary approach: the interpretative transcription in the Latin alphabet of the Romanian texts written in Cyrillic, the accomplishment of a modern translation of the Septuagint, the hermeneutic perspective on the texts (comments) and the contribution of the computational tools in the research of the ancient Romanian texts. In the end, we will present the usefulness of the IT components of this project in the development of a related project, „The first Romanian Translation of the Septuagint (Ms. 45 BAR Cluj). A Critical Edition with Lingvistic and Philological Studies”.
Cuvinte-cheie:Bible, Romanian language, critical edition, interdisciplinarity
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 0

Referințe în această publicație: 4

89Gheorghe Chivu (ed.)Dictionarium valachico-latinum
Primul dicționar al limbii române
Editura Academiei2008
182Ion Gheție, Mirela Teodorescu (ed.)Psaltirea HurmuzakiEditura Academiei2005
78Henry George Liddell, Robert ScottA Greek-English LexiconClarendon Press1996
214Hariton TiktinRumänisch-deutsches WörterbuchImprimeria Statului; Otto Harrassowitz1903-1925; 1985-1988, 2001-2005

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