Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Again on the linguistic expression of the aspiration towards the absolute in the poetry of Traian Borz

Publicația: Journal of Romanian Literary Studies, 5, p. 126-134
Editura:Arhipelag XXI Press
Rezumat:Our paper’s aim is to take into consideration the fact that the lyrical universe of Traian Dorz – a contemporary Romanian poet, unfortunately a less studied writer, author of thousands of poems with mystical approach and of many volumes with memoirs and religious meditation – implies the usage, with stylistic value, of some terms or collocations that refer to living in and for eternity (in accordance with the Christian vision upon this dimension), to the aspiration towards the absolute and immortality. Thus, we will have in view the special connotations of the noun nemargine; this is one of the atypical derivatives with the prefix ne- that contributes, in the author’s works, to the configuration of the lyrical frame and to the construction of the poetical arts. The above-mentioned word highlights mostly figurative meanings (the result being surprising lexical combinations), illustrated through the means of other equivalent elements or elements belonging to the same semantic field. Beyond the simple usage of certain meanings, more or less known, the semantics of this noun emphasizes the author’s artistic belief, his vision upon life and Divinity.
Cuvinte-cheie:derivation, prefix, Semantics, Stylistics, mystical-religious poetry
Limba: română

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