Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

The role of the written media in covering news and events – A CDA perspective

Publicația: Annals of „Valahia” University of Târgovişte. Letters Section, IX (2), p. 34
Editura:Valahia University Press
Rezumat:Media coverage of news or major events is almost always controversial and subject to debates. In the attempt to grasp the meaning, the causes and effects of the respective 'events' related in and by the media, one finds himself/herself in the difficulty to perceive what is written between lines, what lies behind words, what the media is actually trying to 'cover'. For analysts, it is even harder. CDA (Critical Discourse Analysis) proves a helpful tool in analysing media discourse in relation to shedding light upon social, cultural or political events of major interest. It is what the following article undertakes to bring forth by showing how CDA manages to play a basic, theoretical role in a study that proceeds to discourse analysis of a certain type.
Cuvinte-cheie:media discourse, political discourse, CDA, discursive practices
Limba: engleză

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