Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Perspectives on Conditionality

Publicația: Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brașov. Series IV: Philology and Cultural Studies, 6 (1), p. 57
Editura:Transilvania University Press
Rezumat:Conditionality is a complex notion as its analysis often requires adopting an interdisciplinary approach. This paper discusses the concept of conditionality from a threefold perspective, philosophical logical, psychological and linguistic, putting forth some of its most influential theories. We also explore the main differences between logical connective if and linguistic marker of conditionality if as well as other aspects of linguistic analysis and argue that an adequate theory of conditionals cannot be single-framework as it should account for the various aspects of the interpretation of these constructions.
Cuvinte-cheie:conditionality, interdisciplinarity, theories of conditionals
Limba: engleză

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