Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Les relations entre langue et dialectes en Italie : une situation de contacts linguistiques continus. Exemples dans la Province de Parme (Italie, Emilie occidentale)

Publicația: Buletin Științific. Seria A, Fascicula Filologie, XXII, p. 29
Editura:Editura Universității de Nord din Baia Mare
Locul:Baia Mare
Rezumat:[The Relationship between Language and Dialects in Italy: a Continuous Linguistic Contact Situation. Examples from the Province of Parma (Italy, Occidental Emilia)] When we examine the linguistic situation in Italy since 1861 (Unity), one is struck by the extent of linguistic diversity and the constant contact between at least four levels of linguistic interaction: national Italian (literary Tuscan chosen as the national language in the unification of Italy), the regional Italian, the regional dialect, the local dialect. The first part of our study is to identify these interactions in the Province of Parma (Italy, western Emilia) using examples in phonology, morphosyntax and the lexicon. The second part focuses the study of these interactions on the dialect area of the Apennines in the south-west of the Province (area border with Tuscany and Emilia) and proposes a new methodological approach called “microdialectometric approach” that relies on the achievements of the dialectometry (Goebl H., Guiter H. et Séguy J.) and will also incorporate changes of sociolinguistic nature.
Cuvinte-cheie:standard rapport, varieties, dialects (diatopical variation)

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