Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Substantivele relaţionale. Structura trinominală

Publicația: Studii și cercetări lingvistice, LXIV (1), p. 15-24
Editura:Editura Academiei
Rezumat:The paper approaches the tri-nominal structure formed by juxtaposition and headed by a relational noun, such as relaţie om natură (‘man nature relationship’). This structure is crosslinguistically widespread and typical for a series of relational nouns, such as agreement, interaction, mixture, etc., which can have a “compound” expansion (Canada-U.S. agreement/meeting, parentchild interaction/rapport, air-water mixture/combination, etc.). Our analysis is twofold oriented. We will firstly examine the grammatical relationship between relaţie (‘relationship’) and om-natură (‘man-nature’), and, secondly, the construction om-natură. On the basis of data from a large Romanian newspaper corpus, we show that such a “compound”-like construction is in fact a free phrase we call Relational Coordination Construction. It exhibits complements of a relational noun and it semantically imply reciprocity.
Limba: română

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