Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

In patriam regredi: una nota esegetica al De mortalitate di San Cipriano

Publicația: Text şi discurs religios, IV, Secțiunea Retorica discursului religios, p. 253-258
Editura:Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Rezumat:In this paper I intend to examine some passages from Cyprian, bishop of Carthage’s De mortalitate by discussing the contentious problem of classical influences traceable in this tract. Various scholars have noticed in Cyprian’s tract some specific consolatory themes and elements of Latin classical literature, especially from authors like Cicero and Seneca. Strangely, when discussing about the relationship between this tract and Cicero’s works the scholars are not preoccupied with pinpointing the possible traces of some of the surviving fragments of works like Consolatio or Hortensius. In my philological investigation I will try to identify traces of these two writings in De mortalitate, thus trying to shed some light on the manner in which Carthage’s bishop assimilated to a great extent the teachings of the rhetorical schools of his time.
Limba: italiană

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