Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

The Simple Sentence in English and Romanian

Publicația: Studii de gramatică contrastivă, 21, p. 58-64
Editura:Universitatea din Pitești
  • In English, most simple sentences of more than one word consist of two nuclei. The copula “to be” serves only as a link between the subject and the nominal part of the predicate. There are attributive adjuncts that qualify nouns, predicative adjuncts that qualify nouns and pronouns, and adverbial adjuncts which qualify verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Simple sentences may be divided into: declarative, interrogative, commands and exclamatory. In Romanian, the traditional classification of the sentences is made according to their communicative purpose and to the number of their structural units. Sentences can be one-member and bi-member; simple un-extended and simple extended; and nominal and verbal. The simple sentence does not contain secondary parts of the sentence.
  • En anglais, la majorité des phrases simples reposant sur plus d’un mot contiennent deux noyaux. La copule « to be » ne sert que de lien entre le sujet et la partie nominale du prédicat. Il existe des attributifs qui qualifient les noms, des verbes attributifs qui qualifient des noms, des pronoms et des adverbes attributifs qui qualifient des verbes, des adjectifs, des adverbes. La phrase simple peut être déclarative, interrogative, injonctive, exclamative. En roumain, la classification traditionnelle des phrases simples est faite en fonction de la visée communicative et du nombre des unités constitutives. Il peut y avoir des phrases simples à un membre ou deux membres, simple non-étendue, simple étendue, nominale ou verbale. La phrase simple ne contient pas des parties secondaires.
  • attributive adjuncts; predicative adjuncts; adverbial adjuncts; one-member sentences; bi-member sentences
  • attributif, verbes attributifs, adverbes attributifs; phrase à un seul membre, phrase à deux membres.
Limba: engleză

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Referințe în această publicație: 1

26Alexandra CornilescuConcept of modern grammar
A generative grammar perspective
Editura Universității din București1995

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