Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Limbajul tehnic de cult

Publicația: Philologica Banatica, VII (2), p. 152-174
Editura:Editura Mirton; Editura Amphora
Rezumat:This research is reserved to the technical cult language. The study represents the first detailed description of this type of language. The description of the general linguistic features and of the specialized terminology of Byzantine-Slavonic origin emphasizes the conservatism and archaism of the technical cult language. The diachronic perspective, the comparing of some language data identified in the analyses Liturgy Book to other data included in older church texts (Coresi's and Dosoftei's Liturgy books) confirm the perpetuation of some archaic language facts. The Byzantine-Slavonic terminology represents a common trait of the Eastern spirituality. The divine service is performed through the “saint servants” grouped in an ecclesiastical hierarchy established by “the hand position” ritual, in clearly limited temporal sequences, in a place of worship and after a “certain order”, as a result of the Church long time experience during the centuries. This order implies the typology of prayers, their integration into the liturgical ritual as well as the notifications concerning their actions gestures and all the necessary “props” for divine presence celebration.
From this point of view we can speak about two types of language: the liturgical language itself, made up of epithalamiums and hymns and on the other hand the typical language or the technical language of worship. It is called technical language because the liturgical action is based on a technique, a series of norms that round up the liturgical dialogue with specific linguistic features.
The linguistic material studied has as its core the orthodox liturgical text contained in the Liturgy, the main worship book in the eastern rite. Getting the language more formal is a result of the fact that the requirements are such expressed and they need to be followed accordingly. The notifications from the technical language of worship refer to reverential formulae. The liturgy can be performed daily or only on Sunday. Specific formulae are associated to each temporal sequencing part. Liturgical gestures have to overlap to these specific formulae and also to liturgical singing.
Distributing the liturgical roles reinforces notifications of typicality. These notifications of typicality contain data referring to the main three unities of the liturgical time: daily, weekly and yearly rhythm, as they use specific texts to be performed and using the same temporal dimension of liturgy, there are notifications about the sermons that precede the holy liturgy in certain periods. Considering the general linguistic features, the inter-text building about performing the liturgical ritual presents several specific linguistic features subordinated to basic technical or scientific communication principles: neutrality, clarity, and precision.
  • limbaj ethnic, limbaj de cult, cartea liturgică, caracteristici lingvistice
  • technical language, cult language, liturgy book, notifications of typicality, description, and specific linguistic features
Limba: română

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