Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Influenţa franceză în cadrul arhitecturii limbii române. Teoria „relatinizării” sau a „reromanizării”

Publicația: Philologica Jassyensia, IX (1), p. 183-194
Editura:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Rezumat:The author considers that the terms “re-Latinization” and “re-Romanization” are being used improperly in order to designate the process of Roman Westernization of the Romanian language. This process practically implies two orientations: the Francization and the Italienization, but not the Latinization of the Romanian language, which is carried out by the representatives of the Transylvanian School and by the so-called “Latinists”. The Westernization took place only in the Romanian Principalities, from the perspective of the Enlightenment conception of languages development and matched the requirement of modernization of the literary language. On the contrary, the Latinization reflects the late Humanism conception, according to which Latin is superior to modern languages and, consequently, the ideal of imitation lies in the past. The two orientations are incompatible, the first one being synchronic, while the second one is anachronic. This is the reason why one cannot speak of a “Latin-Roman orientation” of the literary language which would subsume them.
On the structural level, the French influence had an impact only on the language architecture (the lexicon and a peripheral area of syntax), not on the functional system. It also had an essential contribution to achieving a modern configuration of the normal variants: the diastratic, the diaphasic and the diamesic ones.
Cuvinte-cheie:re-latinization, re-romanization, Roman Westernization, francization, language architecture
Limba: română

Citări la această publicație: 2

Referințe în această publicație: 6

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1G. OprescuEliade Rădulescu și Franța. Studiu de literatură comparatăDR, III, 11922-1923pdf
66Antoine MeilletLinguistique historique et linguistique généraleChampion/Slatkine1912, 1921; 1982

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