Baza de date „Diacronia” (BDD)

Legitimitatea revizuirilor morale. De la E. Lovinescu la „lovinescianismul” actual

Publicația: Philologica Jassyensia, VII (2), p. 153-161
Editura:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Rezumat:I intend to analyse in this paper the legitimacy of moral revisions carried out in the Romanian literary criticism by E. Lovinescu and by the authors who, after December 1989, assumed his intellectual project. For this purpose, I begin by discussing the revisions Lovinescu made in the period prior to Romania’s entry in the First World War and which the author included in the second part of the fourth volume of his series of Critice (1st edition, 1916). In this manner, I tried to establish several of the defining traits of Lovinescu’s moral revisions and to discuss their opportunity in the era’s historical context. Then, I consider current “Lovinescianism”, more precisely the type of moral revisions applied, after 1990, by Gheorghe Grigurcu, in order to investigate, on the one hand, the consistency of such an action and, on the other hand, the validity attached to the claims of placing such an operation in line with the ethical and intellectual succession of E. Lovinescu’s personality and discourse. The conclusion of my study is that contemporary moral revisions are based frequently not so much on involuntary confusion as on a deliberate substitution of the literary criterion and of the ‘moral’ one, which invalidates its positioning in the line of E. Lovinescu’s critical action.
Cuvinte-cheie:legitimacy, cultural revisionism, ‘literary’ vs. ‘moral’ criterion, E. Lovinescu, Gh. Grigurcu, nationalism, (post)communism
Limba: română

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