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Observaţii asupra unor elemente lexicale orientale din limba română actuală. Analiză a termenilor din limbile arabă, persană şi turcă

Publication: Lucrările celui de-al șaselea Simpozion Internațional de Lingvistică, București, 29-30 mai 2015, Section Lexicologie, lexicografie, frazeologie, p. 323-334
Editors:Maria Stanciu Istrate, Daniela Răuțu
Publisher:Editura Univers Enciclopedic Gold
Abstract:[Remarks on some oriental lexical elements in contemporary Romanian language]
This paper analyzes some loans from the Arabian, Persian and Turkish languages which entered the Romanian language after 1989. They were taken indirectly through the English or French language and they represent international words nowdays. These loans have special meaning and conotations in our language, some of them being used with an ironic sense or even a negative one. They are used especially in newspaper and magazine articles. They have adapted to our Grammar system, having some forms for genders and numbers. The loans were divided into the following groups: religion, clothes, food, politics and civilization. A great number of examples were taken from the newspapers and internet.
Key words:vocabulary, influence, Arabian, Persian, Turkish, meaning
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 0

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