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Observaţii referitoare la verb în graiurile băieşilor din Croaţia

Publication: Lucrările celui de-al șaselea Simpozion Internațional de Lingvistică, București, 29-30 mai 2015, Section Dialectologie. Geolingvistică. Onomastică. Fonetică, p. 145-155
Editors:Maria Stanciu Istrate, Daniela Răuțu
Publisher:Editura Univers Enciclopedic Gold
Abstract:[Observations on the verb in the Bayash Romanian varieties spoken in Croatia]
The Bayash / Boyash Roma make up at least half of the Roma minority in Croatia and speak varieties of Daco-Romanian as their mother tongue. Our previous research has shown that they can be divided in three sub-groups, depending on the linguistic characteristics of the varieties they speak, but also taking other characteristics into consideration. The three varieties of Daco-Romanian spoken by the Bayash in Croatia are Baranya Muntenian, Ludari Muntenian and Transylvanian. The first two varieties are more similar from a linguistic point of view, whereas the third variety differs mostly in the field of phonology, but also in the morphosyntax.
The aim of this paper is to present the most important characteristics of the verbal system of the three varieties spoken by the Bayash in Croatia. For example, the Transylvanian variety, unlike the other two varieties, uses the infinitive relatively often, and has the gerund. Regarding the tenses of the indicative, the Bayash varieties didn’t show use of simple perfect, pluperfect or future perfect, and the Transylvanian variety uses imperfect more often than the other two varieties. A linguistic corpus obtained from fieldwork is used for the analysis of the above mentioned characteristics, but also of other characteristics of the verbal system.
Key words:Bayash/Boyash Romanian, Daco-Romanian varieties, Daco-Romanian dialects, verb
Language: Romanian

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References in this publication: 4

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