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Antroponimia formelor de numire neconvenționale – Perspectivă lingvistică și culturală

Publication: Numele și numirea. Actele Conferinței Internaționale de Onomastică. Ediția a II-a: Onomastica din spațiul public actual, p. 756
Editors:Oliviu Felecan
Publisher:Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut
Abstract:[The anthroponymy of unconventional name forms – A linguistic and cultural perspective]
A preliminary subfunction (derived from the conative function)of the process of communication, human naming does not only occur in a standard form (conventional/official naming), but also, to the same extent, in a nonstandard form (unconventional/unofficial naming), as a “deviation” from the formal and procedural algorithm of name-giving.
The disciplinary field of contemporary Romanian unconventional anthroponymy (which includes any name item/phrase that is distinct from the one given to an individual in a court of law and by official representatives of qualified institutions, i.e. the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages, the civil registrar and the priest) comprises a vast lexical material, which keeps growing richer and more diverse.
The present paper aims at identifying and analysing the psychological, cultural and social conditionsthat determine the use of this deviated verbal means of interindividual identification. At the same time, unconventional anthroponyms are approached (from the perspective of the taxonomy established by Coșeriu) with reference to their status as discursive creations achieved at the individual level of language.
Key words:unconventional anthroponym, language levels, designation, signification, meaning
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 3

References in this publication: 7

2Daiana FelecanPragmatica actului de numire personală neconvenţionalăCCI, 2, 1042-10502012pdf
5Daiana FelecanAntroponimele neoficiale (an) – realizări discursive ale „nivelului individual” al limbajuluiStudia UPM, 13, 79-872012pdf
5Daiana FelecanAntroponime cu valoare generică în limba românăDirecții, II, 792012pdf
6Daiana FelecanO categorie de apelative neconvenționale recente: numele comune atribuite persoanelor feminine din domeniul showbizului românescICONN 1, 2352011pdf
273Angela Bidu-Vrănceanu, Cristina Călărașu, Liliana Ionescu-Ruxăndoiu, Mihaela Mancaș, Gabriela Pană DindeleganDicționar de științe ale limbiiEditura Nemira2001; 2005
81Eugeniu CoșeriuIntroducere în lingvisticăEditura Echinox1995; 1999
136Alexandru GraurNume de persoaneEditura Științifică1965

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