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Exercice d’herméneutique transdisciplinaire de quelques toponymes du Pays d’Oaş

Publication: Numele și numirea. Actele Conferinței Internaționale de Onomastică. Ediția I: Interferențe multietnice în antroponimie, p. 441
Editors:Oliviu Felecan
Publisher:Editura Mega
Abstract:[An exercise in transdisciplinary hermeneutics in relation to some symbolic toponyms in Ţara Oaşului (‘the Land of Oaş’)]
Transdisciplinary hermeneutics is meant to capture the uniqueness of Meaning, defining a unitary triad of the circulation of spiritual information:
- within significances, through the ontic articulation of certain ways-of-being in the world as noumen, a significational function of logos;
- between the levels of the Reality as the topos of the embodiments of the Being in onoma and,
- beyond them, in monas, the horizon of the unity of knowledge manifested in the world through the intuition of sacredness.
The aim of the present study is to highlight the hermeneutic applicability of the aforementioned three transdisciplinary methodological principles and theoretical premises of the vertical analysis of some archaic toponyms in the Land of Oaş, settlement names such as Oaş (Ausonia – Osenia), Târşolţ (Trisouţ), Turţ (a place whose name refers to the typical ethnic name of the Pelasgian Tursans), Cămârzana (cămara Zânelor ‘fairies’ pantry’).
The epistemological trinity unification-unity-uniqueness, which is an intrinsic part of the ineffable act of naming the above-mentioned ancient territories, reveals the sacrament of the materialisation of the Word as creator of symbolic worlds. The contemporary validity of this research lies in its acknowledging the value of the cultural and spiritual identity of the Oaş native, a present-day picaroon, a distinct embodiment of the figures of the poet, troubadour and nomad in globalisation, in the context of the ethical and ethnic fragmentation and deconstruction that occur in the world in which we live.
Key words:transdisciplinary hermeneutics, complexity, the Hidden Third, levels of Reality, ternary logic, spiritual information
Language: French

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 7

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190Iorgu IordanToponimia romîneascăEditura Academiei1963
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