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Dezbaterea televizată românească actuală. Personalităţi ale diasporei

Publication: Cultură și identitate românească - Tendințe actuale și reflectarea lor în diaspora, Section Cultură și identitate românească
Editors:Ofelia Ichim; Luminița Botoșineanu, Daniela Butnaru, Marius-Radu Clim, Florin-Teodor Olariu, Elena Tamba
Publisher:Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Abstract:The paper refers to the ways in which the linguistically encoded information of sentence meaning provides an indication of the direct, literal messages intended by the speaker. Every sentence has a Direct Message Potential. Sentence meaning can be divided up into two separate and distinct parts. On the one hand, sentence encodes a proposition, which represents a state of the world which the speaker wishes to bring to the addressee’s attention and, on the other hand, there is everything else: Mood markers such as lexical expressions of varying length and complexity. A general process corresponding to the development of systematic communicative codes, or linguistic development in terms of lexicalisation (and possibly also grammaticalisation) can be detected in the continuum for gesture types. The gradual replacement of speech with gesture influences both the form and communicative functions of gestures. In the absence of speech, gestures tend to develop standardised forms and more abstract meanings. Just as speech is seen as a physiological event based on articulatory gestures, so the performance of gestures depends on articulators and a place of articulation, the articulators being the hand(s) and arm(s), and the place of articulation being gesture space.
Key words:talk-show, personalities, messages, meaning, gesture
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 6

2Luminița Hoarță-CărăușuStrategii argumentative și persuasive în discursul politic românesc actualDinamica, 3292008
82Daniela Rovența-FrumușaniAnaliza discursului
Ipoteze și ipostaze
Editura Tritonic2004, 2005
58Liliana Ionescu-RuxăndoiuLimbaj și comunicare
Elemente de pragmatică lingvistică
All Educational2003
13Luminița Hoarță-CărăușuElemente de analiză a structurii conversaţieiEditura Cermi2003
7Sorin StatiPrincipi di analisi argomentativa
Retorica, logica, linguistica
92Liliana Ionescu-RuxăndoiuConversaţia: structuri şi strategii
Sugestii pentru o pragmatică a românei vorbite
All1995; 1999

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