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Contribuția Diaconului Coresi la dezvoltarea limbii române literare în opinia lui Ion Gheție (1930-2004)

Publication: Analele Universității de Vest din Timișoara. Seria Științe Filologice, LI-LII, p. 71
Publisher:Editura Universității de Vest
Abstract:[Coresi’s Contribution to the Development of the Romanian Literary Language in Ion Gheție’s Interpretation (1930-2004)] Ion Gheţie was a scientist, a man who devoted himself throughout his lifetime to various fields of research. His objects of study were the literary language, Romanian philology and historical dialectology. Ion Gheţie’s research has rejected the main hypothesis formulated about the work of the deacon Coresi. Coresi has been considered by many researchers the founder of the literary Romanian language. He is a complex personality, holder of a place of honour among the personalities who contributed to the development of Romanian culture in the 16th century. Ion Gheţie has the merit of casting new light on the deacon from Târgovişte, by showing the real role of Coresi in the development of the Romanian language. Far from negating his importance, Ion Gheţie considered the deacon Coresi an ordinary pressman who also printed books under the impulse of the Reform.
Key words:Ion Gheţie, philology, literary language, historical dialectology, Coresi, protestant proselytism, typographer, Romanian
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 1

References in this publication: 17

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44Marius Sala
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