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Discursul religios ca discurs hegemonic

Publication: Text şi discurs religios, II, Section Retorica discursului religios, p. 287-294
Publisher:Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Abstract:As an argumentative-discoursive form, the religious sermons involve two types of attitudes in the inter-confessional communication: the ecumenical communication i.e. regarding the conciliation of the religious cults, and the hegemonic attitude, which supposes the approach of a strategy that should ensure the supremacy to a certain cult in favour of others. This process has been existing for thousands of years, ever since Man was born. The Supreme God i.e. the Divinity, the Absolute and so forth are attributed universal values: Goodness, Truth and Beauty, everything not belonging to this ideal entity belonging to the opposite categories. The hegemonic discourse is specifically built, comprising, antithetically, dogmatic contents, while the techniques that are used involve different representation systems of the disjunctive discourse. Our aim is that of identifying and underlining the values of such techniques and strategies that are specific to the hegemonic religious discourse, the material to work upon being a blog web page concerning the orthodox cult.
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 7

17Luminița Hoarță-CărăușuTeorii şi practici ale comunicăriiEditura Cermi2008
12Camelia-Mihaela CmeciuStrategii persuasive în discursul politicUniversitas XXI2005
10Luminița Hoarță-CărăușuPragmalingvistică
Concepte şi taxinomii
Editura Cermi2004
41Daniela Rovența-FrumușaniArgumentarea
Modele și strategii
BIC All2000
31Daniela Rovența-FrumușaniSemiotică, societate, culturăInstitutul European1999
43Daniela Rovența-FrumușaniSemiotica discursului științificEditura Științifică1995
28Pierre FontanierFigurile limbajuluiUnivers1977

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