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Istoriia Ţări Româneşti şi a Bucureştilor, săracii. O nouă versiune

Publication: Limba română, LVIII (1), Section Filologie, p. 107-121
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:The title of the rhymed chronicle The History of the Romanian Country at the year 1769 contains the addition ... and of Bucharest, poor people only in the version edited in this article. This chronicle is preserved in a miscellany belonging to the C. C. Giurescus in about 1926–1927, now kept at the Special Collections Department of the Romanian National Library. It was written by a young church painter between 1775 and 1779, in a village located in the county of Buzău. This chronicle represents a new version since we can identify, besides some similarities and differences, certain unique sequences in comparison with the other versions we are acquainted with at this moment.
Key words:
  • cronică rimată, istoria Bucureştilor, istoria Ţării Româneşti, versiune nouă
  • rhymed chronicle, the history of Bucharest, the history of the Romanian Country, new version
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 0

References in this publication: 7

3Florentina ZgraonUn manuscris pierdut și regăsit al AlexandrieiSCL, LI (2), 5072000
64Mariana Costinescu, Magdalena Georgescu, Florentina ZgraonDicţionarul limbii române literare vechi
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Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică1987
78Gabriel ȘtrempelCatalogul manuscriselor românești
Vol. I–IV
Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică1978, 1983, 1987, 1992
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Sec. XV-XVIII. Privind istoria României
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4Nicolae DrăganuVersuri vechiDR, V, 5021927-1928pdf

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