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Single-DP and Double-DP Qualitative Constructions in Romanian

Publication: Revue roumaine de linguistique, LVI (2), p. 115-135
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:The paper analyzes qualitative binominals in Romanian with the aim of operating a distinction between Single-DP qualitatives and Double-DP qualitatives. The investigation of the syntactic and semantic distinctions between the two will lead to an analysis of Double-DP qualitatives in terms of periphery quantificational constructions checking P features in an outer D and conforming to the contrastive Topic – Focus information packaging. In the framework we adopt (apud Svenonius 2004, Laenzlinger 2005, Cornilescu 2010), DPs are phases. Phases are modal and quantificational and are characterized by having peripheries which check P-features. Double-DP qualitatives will be shown to feature exclusively prenominal adjectives and definiteness agreement, in sharp contrast with Single-DP qualitatives. The semantic type of N2 also differs from that of Single-DP qualitatives N2, i.e. N2 with Double-DP qualitatives always denotes an individual.
Language: English

Citations to this publication: 2

0Mihaela Tănase-Dogaru, Camelia UșureluOn binominal qualitative constructions in Old RomanianBWPL, XIX (1)2017pdf
1Mihaela Tănase-Dogaru, Camelia UșureluDiachronic Variation with Romanian (pseudo)-partitivesRRL, LX (2-3), 243-2552015pdf

References in this publication: 4

24Alexandra Cornilescu, Alexandru NicolaeNominal Peripheries and Phase Structure in the Romanian DPRRL, LVI (1), 35-682011pdf
25Alexandra Cornilescu, Alexandru NicolaeOn the syntax of Romanian definite phrases: Changes in the patterns of definiteness checkingNP Rom. Germ., 1932011pdf
15Alexandra CornilescuDespre trăsăturile periferice şi cum le-am putea folosiDindelegan2007
44Maria Manoliu-ManeaGramatică, pragmasemantică și discursLitera1993

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