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Construction of identity and the rhetoric of lying in Romanian political discourse

Publication: Language and Dialogue, 5 (1), Section Articles, p. 23-44
Special issue: Constructing and Negotiating Identity in Dialogue
Edited by Răzvan Săftoiu
Publisher:John Benjamins
Place:Amsterdam / Philadelphia
Abstract:Starting from the pragmatic descriptions of lying and the most influential theories concerning social identity, this paper explores, on the basis of authentic examples, the relationship between identity construction and the rhetoric of lying in Romanian political discourse. We are interested in presenting, on the one hand, the strategies used to denounce a political leader as a liar and to fix this negative image in the collective imagination and, on the other hand, the strategy used by the politician to refute these accusations and rebuild his credibility ethos. Through this analysis, the paper also addresses the questions of the social and moral implications of lying in Romanian public space.
Key words:lying, theories of identity, speech act, implicature, politeness/ impoliteness, political discourse
Language: English

Citations to this publication: 2

References in this publication: 1

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