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Nume proprii şi denominaţii propriale, între monovalenţă şi polifonie. (Abordare pragmalingvistică)

Publication: The Proceedings of the “European Integration - Between Tradition and Modernity” Congress, 5, p. 306-316
Publisher:Editura Universităţii „Petru Maior”
Abstract:[Proper Names and Proprial Designations, between Monovalence and Polyphony. (A Pragmalinguistic Approach)]
The perspective proposed in the present paper relies on the theoretical approach to the status of proper names (as objects of language), made by Marie-Noëlle Gary-Prieur in the article “Le nom propre, entre langue et discours” (published in “Les Carnets du Cediscor”, no. 11/2009, available online at http://cediscor.revues.org/825).
The object of study of this research is, on the one hand, the proper name (PrN), treated as a closed sign (achieved at the level of language) of a unique initial referent, or as an open sign (achieved at the discourse level) of one or several discursive referents. On the other hand, the article also studies proprial designation (PrD), which is achieved at the level of discourse. A PrD is used as a PrN and can develop singular or multiple discursive reference.
The meaning of a PrN is fixed (conventionally established by a given ethnolinguistic community) in the system of language. Nevertheless, the content of a PrN (whose appropriate identification requires some prior acquaintance) is fixed at the utterance level. The referent of a proper name and, according to some theories (see Mill 1988, Kripke 2001), its sole “meaning”, generates polyphonic effects in different contextualisations (obtained by means of metaphorical and metonymical processes), as a result of its being embodied in subsequent “incarnations”.
Proprial designations derive their meanings (which are extralinguistically motivated) from contexts (contextual uses make them equivalent to proper names; this accounts for the circumstantially proprial status of such designations). When they are decontextualised, they continue to exist – by means of lexicalisation – in the inventory of common language (as common names, CN).
Due to its potential manifestations, the reference of a PrD can grow exponentially, depending on the parameters of the context delineated at the (extra)utterance level (speaking subject, social and cultural factors, and so on).
The corpus used to support the theoretical perspective advanced in this paper comprises conventional and unconventional anthroponyms (CA / UA).
The methodology employed pertains to the field of pragmalinguistics and discourse analysis.
Key words:proper name, proprial designations, discursive reference, the level of language, the level of discourse
Language: Romanian

Citations to this publication: 2

References in this publication: 9

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