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„Iaşul l-a pierdut, dar l-a câştigat ţara”

Publication: Anuar de Lingvistică și Istorie Literară, LIII, p. 123
Publisher:Editura Academiei
Abstract:Based on a few documents (“references” given by some employees of the University of Iași) dating from 1949-1956 and now existing in the Archives of the West University of Timișoara, and testimonies of some of G. Ivănescu's ex-collaborators and students from Timișoara and Craiova, the author of the present article evokes one of the most “tumultuous” and interesting moments of the life and activity of the great Romanian savant G. Ivănescu.
Having been removed, on the 15th of September 1952, from “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași (because of “fabricated political reasons”, in a time when “the class struggle was constantly sharpening itself”, and when the political system was on a hunt for “enemies of the democratic-popular state and of the Soviet Union”), the professor G. Ivănescu was sent to work as a scientific researcher at the Romanian Academy, the Institute of History and Philology, Iași; later on, beginning with the 1st of January 1956, he was appointed secretary of the Committee for the study of the formation of the Romanian language and people, in Bucharest, under the presidency of the academician Iorgu Iordan.
The removal of G. Ivănescu from the University of Iași was regarded, by those who knew the true value of the professor (H. Mihăescu, Șt. Cuciureanu, N.I. Popa, C. Ciopraga, Gr. Scorpan) as a big mistake, because the faculty was thus renouncing one of its greatest personalities; but, as Șt. Cuciureanu said: “Iași lost him, but the Country gained him”.
He would go back to Iași (where he had managed to create a distinguished group of scholars: V. Arvinte, N.A. Ursu, L. Leonte, Ecaterina Teodorescu, Șt. Giosu, etc.) in 1971, after 15 years. This time, together with his former disciples, he contributed towards the rising of a new generation of researchers, among whom one can name Carmen-Gabriela Pamfil, Ioan Oprea, Eugen Munteanu, Cristina Florescu, Oana Popârda, etc.
The professor G. Ivănescu left a mark upon the academic life of Timișoara and Craiova as well, where among his collaborators and disciples count Ștefan Munteanu, Vasile Șerban, Ionel Stan, Vasile Frățilă, Ileana Oancea, Vasile D. Țâra, Sergiu Drincu, Maria Purdela Sitaru, Doina Babeu, Dorin Urițescu; and Ion Toma, in Craiova.
Key words:archival records, autobiography, scientific researcher, Committee for the study of the formation of the Romanian language and people, linguistic school
Language: Romanian

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