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I.L. Caragiale. Stage Reinterpretations

Publication: Philologica Jassyensia, VIII (2), p. 19-29
Publisher:Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”
Abstract:The essay I.L. Caragiale. Stage reinterpretations is an analysis of the different aesthetic reinterpretations of Caragiale’s plays from the last two decades, by some of the most important Romanian theater directors. All this has been done not just for the delight of the spectators and of the specialists; it is also a proof of the desire to rediscover creatively new meanings in Caragiale’s plays. Some of the directors chosen as examples here are Silviu Purcărete, Tompa Gabor, Alexandru Dabija, Mihai Măniuţiu, all of them having significant contributions to the recent theatrical art, directors for whom Caragiale has constantly been a source of inspiration. Using their craft to reinterpret, for the stage, the dramatic text, these directors brought their contribution to the hermeneutics of our great classical playwright’s work. This was done not through academic exegesis, but by the means of theatrical creations that reveal their great creative potential, their artistic inspiration and their innovative capacity when dealing with works that are known to almost everyone, from an early age, in school. These profoundly original creations are important contributions to the spectacology associated with Caragiale’s work. In the case of dramatic works, the spectacological exegesis is at least as important as the philological one, as the contemporary director also assumes the role of co-author, when staging a play, even when it is a classical one.
Key words:I.L. Caragiale, stage reinterpretations, Alexandru Dabija, Tompa Gabor, Silviu Purcărete, Mihai Măniuţiu, Oltiţa Cîntec
Language: English

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